“The first wealth is health.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Body Mindfulness is one of the 12 spiritual virago traits. is dedicated to helping more female-identified spiritual warriors develop these 12 traits  (hence a complete collection of nutrition & fitness courses and resources). Body Mindfulness is about honoring your body as a temple, fueling it with nutritious, real food, eliminating substances, and exercising.

If you know of some nutrition & fitness courses or educational tool we have not included, please share it in the comments below.

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“The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years.” -Deepak Chopra

Nutrition Fitness Courses -Trail Running

“Master Ultra Trail Running” with Mimmi Kotka, one of the world’s top trail runners, is a complete system created to make you a stronger AND faster trail runner. The course includes: overview of ultra trail running, learn about Mimmi Kotka, ultra trail running training and nutrition, uphill and downhill running, recommended gear, pre-competition prep, and race day. This course is appropriate for beginners and experts. You’ll have lifetime access. Subtitles are available in English, Spanish, and French.


Nutrition Fitness Courses - Swim Fast

“How to Swim Fast” with Alexander Berggren teaches freestyle swimmers how to up their game. This course includes 55 minutes of videos, a workbook of drills, and suggested training regimens. You’ll learn: drag equation, stroke count, stroke rate relationship, pool & open water swimming, arms, breathing, kicking, rotation, race tactics, training zones, equipment, and sample training plans (drills, speed work, technique work). This course is appropriate for beginners and experts. Subtitles are available in English, Spanish, and German.


Nutrition Fitness Courses - Tennis

“Tennis: Backhand & Serve” with Robin Soderling (who was once ranked #4 in the world for singles), teaches you the two most challenging strokes in the game. The course contains 50 minutes of content, covering: SERVE – warm-up, grip, stance, legs, balls toss, back swing, hitting the ball, practicing, and different techniques; BACKHAND – grip, footwork, backswing, and aiming. This course is appropriate for beginners and experts. Subtitles are available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, and German.


Nutrition Fitness Courses - Open Water Swimming

“Open Water Swimming” with Jonas Colting (former pro triathlete), teaches you safety first, the anatomy of open water swimming, breathing, wrist/arm control, head position, kick strategies, open water training and navigation, wetsuit tips, pool workouts/gear, and strength training. This 90-minute course is appropriate for beginners and experts. Subtitles are available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and German.


Nutrition Fitness Courses - Triathlon

“Learn Triathlon” with Asa Lundstrom (who has over 70 triathlon wins), teaches you about swimming, biking, running, transitioning, triathlon philosophy, training, and gear. This 90-minute course is appropriate for beginners and experts. Subtitles are available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, and German.



“To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” -Buddha

Nutrition Fitness Online Courses - Magnetic Fields Human Body

“The Magnetic Fields of the Human Body & Their Functions” by Manly Palmer Hall, founder of the Philosophical Research Society, features an hour and 15 minutes of profound and illuminating recordings.

Not Yet Rated - Spiritual Warrior Courses

“The Mindful Athlete Inspiration & Meditations for Pure Performance” is a 2-hour training presented by George Mumford who has worked with all Phil Jackson’s top athletes (Kobe, Shaq, and Michael Jordann). “George helped me understand the art of mindfulness. To be neither distracted nor focused, rigid nor flexible, passive nor aggressive. I learned just to be.” -Kobe Bryant


“Optimal Performance” by Dr. Emmett Miller is a one-hour training based on 15 years of research and experience. You’ll learn how to master peak performances (whether that is work, personal, athletic, spiritual, or otherwise).

Not Yet Rated - Spiritual Warrior Courses


“I think exercise tests us in so many ways, our skills, our hearts, our ability to bounce back after setbacks. This is the inner beauty of sports and competition, and it can serve us all well as adult athletes.” -Peggy Flemming

Fitness Nutrition Courses - Ayurveda Yoga

“Modern Ayurveda: Dual Benefits of Yoga and Ayurveda” is particularly beneficial for yoga practitioners. In this course, you’ll learn habits for longevity and dynamic aging, how to streamline your day-to-day habits for better energy, a comprehensive understanding of the operating system of Ayurveda, and tap into the Yogic approach to Ayurveda.


Fitness Nutrition Courses - Holistic Ayurveda

“Holistic Nutrition: Ayurveda on Diet and Nutrition for Vata, Pitta, & Kapha” with Todd Caldecott covers: sugar v Splenda, counting calories, pros & cons of carbs, the best cookware, is veganism right for you, overview of Keto & Atkins, the healthiest way to eat red meat, and so much more.


Fitness Nutrition Courses - Fundamentals of Ayurveda

“The Ayurveda Experience: Fundamentals of Ayurveda on Diet, Exercise, Meditation, Beauty, and Body Work” with Lissa Coffey will teach you: a simple 3 step process for a healthier, happier life, what to eat and to avoid, the right bodywork for you, and the best meditation technique for your type. As a bonus, you’ll also get 7 webinar sessions with top Ayurvedic experts from around the country.


Fitness Nutrition Courses - Emotions Digestive Disorders

“Emotions & Digestive Disorders,” a 3-hour course with Dr. Siva Mohan, discusses how stress and feelings can have a subtle but deep effect on digestion and health patterns. She explores constipation, diverticular diseases, ulcerative and inflammatory diseases, and cancer.

Not Yet Rated - Spiritual Warrior Courses

Fitness Nutrition Courses - Stress Depression Ayurveda

“Ayurveda on Chronic Stress, Anxiety, & Depression” by Dr. Akil Palanisamy will teach you the symptoms, causes, and treatments of depression, anxiety, and chronic stress. Dr. Akil teaches you to treat the cause (rather than the symptoms) and herbal remedies v. traditional therapies.

Not Yet Rated - Spiritual Warrior Courses


“I love food and feel that it is something that should be enjoyed. I eat whatever I want. I just don’t overeat.” –Tyra Banks

Nutrition Fitness Courses - Nutrition Hydration

The “Nutrition & Hydration Certificate” course from Cudoo includes 3 hours of content and lifetime access. This certificate course covers different types of nutrients our bodies need, the benefits of staying hydrated, the Eatwell Guide, and the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool.

Not Yet Rated - Spiritual Warrior Courses

Nutrition Fitness Courses - Nutrition Diploma

The “Nutrition Certificate” course from Cudoo includes 12 hours of content and lifetime access. You’ll learn the basic concepts of nutrition like the food pyramid, human anatomy and physiology (digestive, muscular, skeletal, nervous, endocrine, urinary, respiratory and cardiovascular), the structure and metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbs, sources of proteins, carbs, and fats, understanding calories, all about monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides, the breakdown of macronutrients and amino acids, all about vitamins and minerals, nutritional requirements for puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, athletes, infancy, and old age, and all about eating disorders.

Not Yet Rated - Spiritual Warrior Courses

Nutrition Fitness Course - Raw Food

“The Health Evolution” course by raw foods chef Michael Snyder will teach you how to put together an effortless, nutrient-balanced raw vegan diet. He’s included real world tips like how to order raw vegan in restaurants, how to dehydrate food, and how to sprout your own grains.

Not Yet Rated - Spiritual Warrior Courses

Fitness Nutrition Course - Intro Food Health

Stanford Online’s  advanced “Intro to Food & Health” course will teach you the fundamental principles of nutrition, how to do a nutritional assessment in a primary care setting, to formulate a patient strategy based on their nutritional assessment, to guide patients through iterative, targeted nutrition goals, and how to provide patients with skills-based nutrition learning resources.

Not Yet Rated - Spiritual Warrior Courses


“I became vegan because I saw footage of what really goes on in the slaughterhouses and on the dairy farms.” -Ellen DeGeneres

Nutrition Fitness Course - Vegan Challenge

“One Month Vegan Challenge” provides you with: a vegan eating guide, a vegan starter kit, vegan macros, an understanding of important vegan supplements, and practical tips (dealing with social pressures, etc). The “One Month Vegan Challenge” has helped millions go plant-based.

Not Yet Rated - Spiritual Warrior Courses

Nutrition Fitness Course - Vegan Changers

In Vegan Changers’ “Go Vegan Challenge” series, you’ll get a guide to vegan substitutions, vegan recipes (including spicy dishes, desserts, and smoothies), a 28 day meal plan with shopping lists, and a motivational guide to keep you inspired.

Not Yet Rated - Spiritual Warrior Courses


“Nutrition is so important. It can’t be stressed enough.” -Dwayne Johnson

Nutrition Fitness Course - Jazz Dance

“20 Moves in 20 Days: Beginning Jazz Dance” with professional dancer Karen Dinneen features 2 hours and 20 minutes of content. You’ll learn all the steps Karen teaches in her community college Jazz Dance 101 course.


The Dailey Method combines barre and cycling into one powerhouse fitness program. This training is available via live classes through a monthly subscription or as fixed courses you can purchase for a one-time fee.

Not Yet Rated - Spiritual Warrior Courses

Fitness Nutrition Courses - Bodybuilding

“Female Bodybuilding Secrets Revealed” with Karen Sessions will teach you how to build muscle, triple your metabolism with added lean muscle, how to burn calories faster, and improve your weight lifting. This system includes: body type training, an exercise database, a guide to calories and macros, a muscle-building meal planner, a food catalog, 9 exclusive bonus reports, and customized training sheets.

Not Yet Rated - Spiritual Warrior Courses

Nutrition Fitness Courses - Physical Health

The “How to Improve Your Physical Health” certificate course from Cudoo features 1 hour of instruction. You’ll learn: the main components of physical health, good habits v. bad habits, how poor health choices affect your life, and tips for embracing a healthy lifestyle.

Not Yet Rated - Spiritual Warrior Courses

Nutrition Fitness Course - Running for Beginners Program

“How to Start Running” will teach you how to comfortably run 5k, build muscle and tone your body, run further, faster, and longer, and supercharge your energy. Even advanced runners will get some valuable insights. “How to Start Running” gives you a step-by-step system to reprogram your body gradually so you can run for up to 30 minutes.

Not Yet Rated - Spiritual Warrior Courses

Nutrition Fitness Course - Sports Injuries

“Sports Injuries” by Certified Athletic Therapist & Reiki Master Robyn Bagley features 1 hours and 45 minutes of content. You’ll learn about sprains, strains, contusions, fractures, dislocations, chronic or overuse injuries (tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, shin splints), and skin injuries.


Fitness Nutrition Course - Stay Fit

Stanford Online’s “Staying Fit” course is designed for adults interested in healthy eating, exercise, and sleep.

Not Yet Rated - Spiritual Warrior Courses

Nutrition Fitness Course - Flexibility

“Stretching to Improve Flexibility” by Certified Athletic Therapist & Reiki Master Robyn Bagley features 1 hours and 40 minutes of content. You’ll learn the physiology of stretching, upper body stretches, lower body stretches, back stretches, solutions for common issues with stretching, and whole body stretches.


Nutrition Fitness Course - Vegetarian Bodybuilding

“V3: Vegetarian Bodybuilding” has been seen in Muscle & Fitness, Men’s Fitness, & Flex and is for part-time vegetarians, strict vegetarians, vegans, or weary meat-eaters. You’ll learn why whole food, plant-based diets are superior, all about macronutrients, how to handle social situations, and the best sources of plant-based protein (and how much you need). This course includes 4 powerful, untapped strength skills, workout tracking sheets, workout routines for different body weights, breathing techniques (even training-focused meditation).

Not Yet Rated - Spiritual Warrior Courses

Fitness Nutrition Courses - Yoga Burn

Yoga Burn offers 9 different fitness programs: Fitness System for Women, Trim Core Challenge, Total Body Challenge, Booty Challenge, Inner Circle, Meditation Solution, Kick Start Kit, Monthly, & Monthly Ultimate Package. Yoga Burn has a great app plus yoga mats, bands, supplements, and more.

Not Yet Rated - Spiritual Warrior Courses


“When centenarians are asked to divulge the secrets to their longevity, they invariably mention two factors: good genes and healthy living.” -Deborah Carr

Hi, I’m Staci, the founder of I offer spiritual warrior coaching to guide self-identified women through the 6 steps and to study the 12 traits (including “body mindfulness”). The original life coach, as far as I’m concerned, is not actually Tony Robbins–it’s the Alcoholics Anonymous “sponsor.” My spiritual warrior coaching is founded on the principles of sponsorship–I provide accountability, encouragement, mentoring, and guidance on a one-on-one basis. A sponsor/sponsee relationship is directed by you, whereas, for example, a third base coach makes the decision for you as to whether you should stay on base or not. This is your spiritual warrior program, not mine.

Spiritual warrior coaching is for you if you identify with female energy & any of the following fit:

  • you resonate with the spiritual virago calling/practice.
  • you have been through an insurmountable amount of trauma/suffering, need to regain your power, and “understand why.”
  • you are ready to awaken spiritually and move towards enlightenment.
  • you are constantly remarking how strong you are, and you’re ready for the next level.


“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” -Jim Rohn

Womans Fitness Mag - Spiritual Virago

“Women’s Fitness” magazine is your personal trainer, nutrition guide, and life coach. Each issue features expert advice, workouts, nutrition, and reviews of the latest fitness gear.


Prevention Mag - Fitness Nutrition Courses

“Prevention” magazine is your monthly reminder to live better. This trusted publication features expert insight, health research, trustworthy tips, and everything you need to live healthier and happier.


“Woman’s Health” magazine features product recommendations, creative, inspirational, and educational content, plus insightful reporting on food, fitness, and fashion.


“Better Nutrition” magazine is the top health food monthly publication. “Better Nutrition” features holistic health updates, natural healing advice from experts, dietary insights, nutritional supplement reports, and organic eating.


A subscription to “Health” magazine will provide you with monthly reminders to stay focused on nutrition and fitness! According to Amazon reviews, “Health Magazine is one of the most popular health-related periodicals for women.”


Runners World Mag - Nutrition Fitness Courses

Each issue of “Runner’s World” magazine arriving in your mailbox will motivate you to keep on running! This essential guide for runners is a well-known authority in the running community. Get inspired to run faster and farther today!


Spirituality Health - Spiritual Warrior

Need monthly reminders to stay focused? A subscription to “Spirituality & Health” can help! This magazine explores today’s spiritual renaissance–including the connection between health and spirituality, health news, spiritual practice, meditation, and personal growth.



“When you are balanced and when you listen and attend to the needs of your body, mind, and spirit, your natural beauty comes out.” -Christy Turlington

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