Kim Eng Resist Nothing Course Review

Video Review: Kim Eng’s “Resist Nothing” Course from

Highlights and insights from Kim Eng’s “Resist Nothing” course from (October 2021), including shareable quote squares and more.

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Spiritual Mastery Courses

Complete list of spiritual mastery courses (online classes & trainings for mastery). Plus, shareable spiritual mastery quotes!

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Free E.F.T. Tapping Cheat Sheets

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is like DIY emotional acupuncture…and scientifically proven to be effective. Get started with these free “cheat sheet” downloads today.

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My PTSD Brain Blocked My Ayahuasca “Trip”

Ayahuasca was perceived by my brain as more trauma (I’ve had both PTSD & Complex PTSD). WARNING: Instead of healing, I was re-traumatized.

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The Post-Traumatic Growth Process: Victim, Survivor, Hero

Post-Traumatic Growth isn’t given out on a silver platter to all victims. Find out how (& why) to move from Survivor to Hero in this report.

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Video Review: “Emotional Intelligence 2.0” by Greaves, Bradberry

Is “Emotional Intelligence 2.0” better than the original book? Find out in this thorough video review. Includes similar book recommendations.

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What Is a Spiritual Virago?

Based on the Buddhist “spiritual warrior” concept, a spiritual virago is a modern female version. Learn the 6-step process & 12 traits.

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Peak Experiences Are Key to Spiritual Growth

Learn how Abraham Maslow defined “peak experiences” & how to cultivate/reframe your mind to have more of these “god moments” “in the zone.”