“My alma mater was books, a good library…I could spend the rest of my life reading, just satisfying my curiosity.” -Malcolm X
“Anxiety Freedom Manual” (Digital Download)
For over 20 years I felt just like you. I tried everything from reading NLP books, to counseling with 4 different counselors, and various techniques that I picked up online, nothing really seemed to work. As my anxiety affected all aspects of my life, I became ever more frustrated depressed and even felt suicidal. Then, aged 36, I began to study brain chemistry, trying various techniques to cure my anxiety.
After a lengthy period of time, I started to see results. My anxiety was gone and, for the first time in many years, I could sleep throughout the night. I documented this strategy and called it the Anxiety Freedom Manual. I simply had to share my findings with the world!
Inside of the Anxiety Freedom Manual, I will be sharing with you over 32 secrets to help you defeat anxiety for good.
“Books are like people, in the sense that they’ll turn up in your life when you most need them.” -Emma Thompson
- Secret #1 The different types of anxiety and the common symptoms associated with each type
- Secret #2 Why your body is like a computer and how it reacts to certain situations
Chapter #3: Anxiety causes
- Secret #3: Why you are not to blame for your anxiety and how your brain is causing the problems for you
- Secret #4: Factors that can make your anxiety worse
- Secret #5: Common symptoms associated with anxiety
Chapter #4: The Anxiety Test
- Secret #6: Discover if you are suffering from Anxiety and what type it is
Chapter #5: Panic Attack Elimination
- Secret #7: What the panic spiral is and how it leads to panic attacks
- Secret #8: How to implement panic attack first aid to STOP panic attacks
- Secret #9: What ‘The Anxiety Worry Cycle’ is and how it can contribute to panic attacks
Chapter #6: Psychosensory Touch
- Secret #10: What Psychosensory touch is and how it can reduce Anxiety
- Secret #11: The different types of Psychosensory touch to use to reduce your anxiety
Chapter #7: Mindful meditation
- Secret #12: What mindful meditation is and the different types of meditation are
- Secret #13: How to use meditation to reduce Anxiety and stress
Chapter #8: Physical exercise
- Secret #14: How physical exercise is related to mental fitness
- Secret #15: Different types of exercise that you can do to reduce Anxiety
Chapter #9: Behavior modification
- Secret #16: How the way you think affects the way you feel
- Secret #17: How talking the right way with the right person can help reduce your Anxiety
- Secret #18: What safety behaviours are and how to eliminate them
Chapter #10: CBT Theory
- Secret #19: What exposure therapy is and how it can be used to overcome phobias, PTSD and OCD
- Secret #20: What irrational thoughts are, how to challenge them and how they contribute to Anxiety
Chapter #11: Food choices
- Secret #21: How what you eat can fuel Anxiety
- Secret #22: The types of food to eat to boost your resistance to stress
Chapter #12: Removing negative influences in your life
- Secret #23: How negative influences in your life contribute to your Anxiety
- Secret #24: How to set healthy boundaries to create happiness
Chapter #13: Prescription medication
- Secret #25 The best prescription medication to take that has the least side effects to quell anxiety
Chapter #14: Alternatives to prescription medication
- Secret #26: The best alternatives to prescription medication that big Pharma does want you to know!
Chapter #15: Sleep solutions
- Secret #27: Why sleeping deeply all the way through the night is the best way to combat anxiety
- Secret #28: The best way to get a good night’s sleep without using sleeping pills
Chapter #16: Dopamine boosting solutions
- Secret #29: What dopamine is and the role it plays in both depression and anxiety
- Secret #30: How to boost dopamine levels WITHOUT prescription medication
Chapter #17: Visualization
- Secret #31: What visualisation is and how it can reduce anxiety, including an exercise you can use
- Secret #32: How mind movies can help reduce stress and anxiety. (Mind movie included for use)
“Anxiety Freedom Manual,” Ebook by Steven Britton
- Language: English
- Edition: Digital
- Full product description (click on “Products” tab)
“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” -Jim Rohn