Spiritual Activism Spiritual Viragos Throughout History: Joan of Arc Learn how the OG badass female spiritual warrior, Joan of Arc, saved her country from annihilation & was then burned at the stake.
Mastery Spiritual Mastery Courses Complete list of spiritual mastery courses (online classes & trainings for mastery). Plus, shareable spiritual mastery quotes!
Deconstructing the Self My PTSD Brain Blocked My Ayahuasca “Trip” Ayahuasca was perceived by my brain as more trauma (I’ve had both PTSD & Complex PTSD). WARNING: Instead of healing, I was re-traumatized.
Mastery The Post-Traumatic Growth Process: Victim, Survivor, Hero Post-Traumatic Growth isn’t given out on a silver platter to all victims. Find out how (& why) to move from Survivor to Hero in this report.
Spiritual Fitness What Is a Spiritual Virago? Based on the Buddhist “spiritual warrior” concept, a spiritual virago is a modern female version. Learn the 6-step process & 12 traits.